Cleaver Restoration
in DIY
We were using an old rusty cleaver at a friend’s country house. Since I had a previous experience replacing a knife handle, I decided to restore it as a gift.
in DIY
We were using an old rusty cleaver at a friend’s country house. Since I had a previous experience replacing a knife handle, I decided to restore it as a gift.
in Tech
Sometimes it is very useful to share a local port in your computer to the Internet
in DIY
Some day at work I’ve been talking to a friend about a closed terrarium. I’ve always enjoyed planting seedlings and herbs, but I never thought of a full enclosed plant.
in Tech
It is very important to monitor multiple domain expiration dates when working for a big company. It is more useful when working with multiple registrars, even if you don’t have access to these registrars accounts.
in Tech
I am changing the blog’s domain name to