Docker compose samples for applications

docker-compose samples

Application samples for project development kickoff

Link to the original post on docker blog:

Installing Docker and docker-compose

I usually use the following steps to get docker and docker-compose installed:

curl|sudo bash   #installs docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $your_user      #add your username to docker group

sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

1.25.4 is current stable release of docker-compose for now

Updated instructions can be found here for docker and here for docker-compose.

awesome-compose repository

To Clone the repository localy:

git clone
cd awesome-compose

At the root of each sample there is the docker-compose.yml. It contains the definition and the structure of the application and instructions on how to wire the components of the application.

nginx-flask-mysql sample

To start a sample stack with nginx, a flask app and mysql database, you can do the following

cd nginx-flask-mysql
docker-compose up -d

Check there are three containers running, one for each service:

docker-compose ps

Since the 80 port is mapped to the host using the stack, you can use curl to test the application:

curl localhost:80

This will work with most of the examples out of the box

Modify and update the application sample

Once you made modification to the sample, you can restart the services

docker-compose restart backend 		#to restart the service named backend

If you have made modifications in the Dockerfile, you will need to do the following to bring the whole stack down, and build the docker image again.

docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d --build

Samples of Docker Compose applications with multiple integrated services

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